Monday, December 15, 2008

Post #5 - Weekly Update

Workout, pretty good. Poker, not as good.

Week 2 Results -

Monday - 30min Level3
Tuesday - 30min Level3
Wednesday - 30min Level3
Thursday - 30min Level3
Friday - 35min Level3
Saturday - 35min Level3
Sunday - Rest Day

I feel happy about my workouts. Thirty minutes at level 3 is actually pretty quick and easy already. I'll be working my way up to 45 minutes in the next few days so I can bump it to level 4 next week.

We did not go to 24hour fitness and sign up. If I can't even go there to sign up, how the hell am I going to make it there on a consistent basis to workout?

I only played about 11 hours this week for 4300 total hands four tabling NL100. That's a lot less than I had hoped for, but we spent Saturday and Sunday in Austin and those are the two days I can get in the most hands.

Had my first big losing session. 7 buy-ins over a 1000 hand session.
I still managed to finish up $600 this week + $80 in rakeback.

Current Stats (through 10k hands) -
22.1(vpip)/15.0(pfr)/9.1(3bet)/2.0(agg) - 11.14bb/100

Overall, another good week, but still room to improve on my workouts and poker play. For next week, I really want to kick up the number of hands I play, and I'm shooting for 6k (around 15 hours). On the workout side, I want to be up to 45 minutes on level 3 by the end of the week, and I want to start introducing some light strength training and yoga/stretching.

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