What started with two coolers, ended as total monkey spew. Two BuyIn's gone with set over set, followed by the worst case of tilt I've had in a long time causing me to dump three more BI's. All told, it was a -$479 session over about 1100 hands. I got WAY too aggressive after the set over set ordeals, and I realize now that it's a good thing to get up from the tables and take a break too cool off. The question is, can I actually do that the next time it happens. More often than not, when I lose a few BI's, I want to get right back in the ring and mix it up.
At what point do you take a break, or quit a session all together? Set number of buy ins lost, set time frame, feel, etc?
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
Post #5 - Weekly Update
Workout, pretty good. Poker, not as good.
Week 2 Results -
Monday - 30min Level3
Tuesday - 30min Level3
Wednesday - 30min Level3
Thursday - 30min Level3
Friday - 35min Level3
Saturday - 35min Level3
Sunday - Rest Day
I feel happy about my workouts. Thirty minutes at level 3 is actually pretty quick and easy already. I'll be working my way up to 45 minutes in the next few days so I can bump it to level 4 next week.
We did not go to 24hour fitness and sign up. If I can't even go there to sign up, how the hell am I going to make it there on a consistent basis to workout?
I only played about 11 hours this week for 4300 total hands four tabling NL100. That's a lot less than I had hoped for, but we spent Saturday and Sunday in Austin and those are the two days I can get in the most hands.
Had my first big losing session. 7 buy-ins over a 1000 hand session.
I still managed to finish up $600 this week + $80 in rakeback.
Current Stats (through 10k hands) -
22.1(vpip)/15.0(pfr)/9.1(3bet)/2.0(agg) - 11.14bb/100
Overall, another good week, but still room to improve on my workouts and poker play. For next week, I really want to kick up the number of hands I play, and I'm shooting for 6k (around 15 hours). On the workout side, I want to be up to 45 minutes on level 3 by the end of the week, and I want to start introducing some light strength training and yoga/stretching.
Week 2 Results -
Monday - 30min Level3
Tuesday - 30min Level3
Wednesday - 30min Level3
Thursday - 30min Level3
Friday - 35min Level3
Saturday - 35min Level3
Sunday - Rest Day
I feel happy about my workouts. Thirty minutes at level 3 is actually pretty quick and easy already. I'll be working my way up to 45 minutes in the next few days so I can bump it to level 4 next week.
We did not go to 24hour fitness and sign up. If I can't even go there to sign up, how the hell am I going to make it there on a consistent basis to workout?
I only played about 11 hours this week for 4300 total hands four tabling NL100. That's a lot less than I had hoped for, but we spent Saturday and Sunday in Austin and those are the two days I can get in the most hands.
Had my first big losing session. 7 buy-ins over a 1000 hand session.
I still managed to finish up $600 this week + $80 in rakeback.
Current Stats (through 10k hands) -
22.1(vpip)/15.0(pfr)/9.1(3bet)/2.0(agg) - 11.14bb/100
Overall, another good week, but still room to improve on my workouts and poker play. For next week, I really want to kick up the number of hands I play, and I'm shooting for 6k (around 15 hours). On the workout side, I want to be up to 45 minutes on level 3 by the end of the week, and I want to start introducing some light strength training and yoga/stretching.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Post #4 - Weekly Update
Week #1 is in the books. I didn't meet all of my goals, but I feel like I made good progress towards them. It's really obvious to me now just how out of shape I am. 20-30 minutes on the elliptical isn't a real vigorous workout, but I can definitely feel it in my legs. Ash and I were supposed to swing by 24hour fitness yesterday and sign up for the 1 week trial to see if we liked it and could actually make the time to get over there consistently.........We didn't go. Lazy Sunday.
Week #1 Results -
Monday - Brick
Tuesday - 20mintues Level3
Wednesday - 25minutes Level3
Thursday - 30minutes Level3
Friday - Brick
Saturday - Brick
Sunday - 30minutes Level3
Just realized that Holdem Manager is on my laptop at home so I will have to fill in daily stats when I get home tonight. Overall, it looked something like this...............
5500 hands - 14 hours played - 7bb/100 + $110 rakeback = +$515
Obviously I took a few hits this weekend, and it drastically dropped my bb's/100, but what can you do when AKc runs into AKd all in preflop and the villain flops two diamonds and rivers the flush. Also had KK vs. AA twice for two buyins down the drain.
Overall, I'm pretty happy about the first week. I've got a good start to my workout program, and I logged 5k+ hands four tabling NL100. I'm not sure that 20hours/week is a realistic goal right now. 2hours/day with an occassional long session is probably where I need to be given my other obligations and goals.
Week #2 Goals -
* 15hours/5k+ hands four tabling NL100
* 35-45mintues/day Level3
* 24hour fitness membership
Week #1 Results -
Monday - Brick
Tuesday - 20mintues Level3
Wednesday - 25minutes Level3
Thursday - 30minutes Level3
Friday - Brick
Saturday - Brick
Sunday - 30minutes Level3
Just realized that Holdem Manager is on my laptop at home so I will have to fill in daily stats when I get home tonight. Overall, it looked something like this...............
5500 hands - 14 hours played - 7bb/100 + $110 rakeback = +$515
Obviously I took a few hits this weekend, and it drastically dropped my bb's/100, but what can you do when AKc runs into AKd all in preflop and the villain flops two diamonds and rivers the flush. Also had KK vs. AA twice for two buyins down the drain.
Overall, I'm pretty happy about the first week. I've got a good start to my workout program, and I logged 5k+ hands four tabling NL100. I'm not sure that 20hours/week is a realistic goal right now. 2hours/day with an occassional long session is probably where I need to be given my other obligations and goals.
Week #2 Goals -
* 15hours/5k+ hands four tabling NL100
* 35-45mintues/day Level3
* 24hour fitness membership
Friday, December 5, 2008
Post #3 - Curse of the brag post & WBCOOP
I knew posting about running hot was a bad idea. I managed to drop 68bb over 800 hands last night. AA cracked by 44 and QQ beat with a river'd gut shot. Hopefully I can get in a few thousand hands this weekend, but my wife is talking about putting the Xmas tree up so time may be limited.
I registered for the WBCOOP (World Blogger Championship of Online Poker). It's over at Pokerstars, easy to register and loaded with $100,000 in freerolls. Check it out.........

I worked out for 25 minutes on the elliptical last night. Level 3 random setting again. I want to add 5 minutes a day until I hit the 45 minute mark then start increasing the level difficulty. The evening workout is definitely giving me an energy boost, which is nice because I'll probably be playing most of my weekday poker from 10pm-12am when they have the Happy Hour points deal at Full Tilt.
Happy Friday!
I registered for the WBCOOP (World Blogger Championship of Online Poker). It's over at Pokerstars, easy to register and loaded with $100,000 in freerolls. Check it out.........

I have registered to play in the PokerStars World Blogger Championship of Online Poker!
This PokerStars tournament is a No Limit Texas Hold’em event exclusive to Bloggers.
Registration code: 741869
I worked out for 25 minutes on the elliptical last night. Level 3 random setting again. I want to add 5 minutes a day until I hit the 45 minute mark then start increasing the level difficulty. The evening workout is definitely giving me an energy boost, which is nice because I'll probably be playing most of my weekday poker from 10pm-12am when they have the Happy Hour points deal at Full Tilt.
Happy Friday!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Post #2 - 6am = lolz
Maybe I'll just do the elliptical after work. 6am is too early for me right now. Feel free to comment on how big of wimp I am, I already know. That being said, I did 20 minutes on the elliptical yesterday on the random setting of level 3. It felt good, and I had much more energy the rest of the evening where I am usually a tired sack of.........
Poker goals are going well. I've played almost 2000 hands of NL100 so far this week and I'm running pretty hot according to Holdem Manager (29bb/100). Those numbers would be better had I not gotten crazy with AQ twice yesterday. Both times I raised from the button and was three bet from the big blind. The flop brought an A with a flush draw on both occassions and I got it all in WAY BEHIND against AK and AA. Ouch. I now see why Phil Ivey says that he has lost more money with AQ than any other hand in his poker career. I need to learn to trust my instincts better as well. Both times I had a feeling I was beat, but couldn't get away from the hand.
In other news, my favorite band is coming back to Texas for the first time since fall of 2002. On February 6th, 7th ad 8th, The Disco Biscuits will make their triumphant return to the Southwest and blow the minds of unsuspecting concert goers and rabid fans like yours truly. B'gock!
Poker goals are going well. I've played almost 2000 hands of NL100 so far this week and I'm running pretty hot according to Holdem Manager (29bb/100). Those numbers would be better had I not gotten crazy with AQ twice yesterday. Both times I raised from the button and was three bet from the big blind. The flop brought an A with a flush draw on both occassions and I got it all in WAY BEHIND against AK and AA. Ouch. I now see why Phil Ivey says that he has lost more money with AQ than any other hand in his poker career. I need to learn to trust my instincts better as well. Both times I had a feeling I was beat, but couldn't get away from the hand.
In other news, my favorite band is coming back to Texas for the first time since fall of 2002. On February 6th, 7th ad 8th, The Disco Biscuits will make their triumphant return to the Southwest and blow the minds of unsuspecting concert goers and rabid fans like yours truly. B'gock!
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Post #1 - Hola Interwebz.......
Welcome to my blahhhhg. Me llamo Josh, and I can't believe I am about to start posting details of my life for all (more likely none) to see. I'm at a roadblock in my life. It's possible I've been here for years, but I'm finally getting the umlauts to do something about it, and I'm hoping that this is the outlet to keep me accountable. I'm a "do or do not, there is no try" kind of guy. In my eyes, I either excel or fail, and I struggle with the idea of mediocrity. Why do something half assed, right?
That being said, I want to become a great poker player. I want to improve my overall health as well, and I'm pretty sure there is a parallel between the two, so I'm going to set up a plan to achieve my goals for poker and myself.
Pokerwise during the month of December, I'd like to log 20 hours a week 4 tabling NL100, allowing me to play atleast 20,000 hands. I just bought Holdem Manager so that I can start tracking my play and learning how to plug leaks in my game. It's possible I will look to get some individual coaching or sign up for a coaching site, but I am undecided about that right now. I'd also like to play more large field MTT's. I've played a few of the 70k's at Pokerstars, and I really enjoy the change from the cash game grind I've been doing for the past year. I have ZERO knowledge of MTT strategy, so before I really dive in, I'm going to buy/read Harrington on Holdem 1 & 2.
Poker is a mental game that can be physically taxing as well. I was a Division 1 college athlete, so I'm not going to sit here and argue that poker is a sport, but the old saying about a strong body and strong mind holds true on the felt as much as it did on the court. Now, I don't ever expect to be in as good of shape as I was the summer before I went to college, nor do I want to be as strong as I was my sophmore year when I was the third strongest person on the team (did I mention that I was a point guard and not a power forward?), but I do realize that I am in the worst shape of my life and it needs to change now.
My wife and I bought a sweet elliptical trainer (gym quality), and I've been horribly inconsistent with using it. Starting today, I am getting up at 6am so that I have time to do 30 minutes before going to work. I also want to join 24hour Fitness so that I have a place to swim and work my way back into good enough shape to play in a competitive mens league or ultimately the pickup games at Fondy. If I can keep to the 6am elliptical and get set up at 24hour this month, I'll be happy that I'm on my way.
I'll update the progress on my goals each week and at the end of the month, but I hope to post semi frequently about the other things in my life as well.
That being said, I want to become a great poker player. I want to improve my overall health as well, and I'm pretty sure there is a parallel between the two, so I'm going to set up a plan to achieve my goals for poker and myself.
Pokerwise during the month of December, I'd like to log 20 hours a week 4 tabling NL100, allowing me to play atleast 20,000 hands. I just bought Holdem Manager so that I can start tracking my play and learning how to plug leaks in my game. It's possible I will look to get some individual coaching or sign up for a coaching site, but I am undecided about that right now. I'd also like to play more large field MTT's. I've played a few of the 70k's at Pokerstars, and I really enjoy the change from the cash game grind I've been doing for the past year. I have ZERO knowledge of MTT strategy, so before I really dive in, I'm going to buy/read Harrington on Holdem 1 & 2.
Poker is a mental game that can be physically taxing as well. I was a Division 1 college athlete, so I'm not going to sit here and argue that poker is a sport, but the old saying about a strong body and strong mind holds true on the felt as much as it did on the court. Now, I don't ever expect to be in as good of shape as I was the summer before I went to college, nor do I want to be as strong as I was my sophmore year when I was the third strongest person on the team (did I mention that I was a point guard and not a power forward?), but I do realize that I am in the worst shape of my life and it needs to change now.
My wife and I bought a sweet elliptical trainer (gym quality), and I've been horribly inconsistent with using it. Starting today, I am getting up at 6am so that I have time to do 30 minutes before going to work. I also want to join 24hour Fitness so that I have a place to swim and work my way back into good enough shape to play in a competitive mens league or ultimately the pickup games at Fondy. If I can keep to the 6am elliptical and get set up at 24hour this month, I'll be happy that I'm on my way.
I'll update the progress on my goals each week and at the end of the month, but I hope to post semi frequently about the other things in my life as well.
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