Monday, March 30, 2009

Post # 16 - Sometimes it good to step back.

If things continue to turn around, I will someday look back on March of 2009, and be proud of myself. For the first time in a long time, instead of putting my head down trying to push through all the adversity, I stopped pushing and something amazing happened. I realized that the wall I had been beating my head against had an open door two steps to the left and I couldn't see it because I was being so narrow minded in my focus and approach.

I know that it's not going to be all upswings and life robusto from now on, but I've got the strength, confidence and roadmap to get me through the tough times in the future.

I'm going to get back into more consistent writing in April. Part of stepping back, was not worrying about keeping up the blog amongst other things, but the next three months are going to be fast paced and exciting in the Burro household as we get ready to move to Austin...........Finally.

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